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RaSheed Lemon, Sr.


RaSheed Lamaar Lemon, Sr., is a rising author and apostolic voice of this time. RaSheed is a husband, a father of four children, a military veteran with twenty-eight years of service, and over 21 years in government civil service. With over 20 years in ministry, in 2015, he and his wife founded Embassy Life International Ministries, Inc., and resides as its apostolic overseer, currently headquartered in the Northern Virginia area. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Public Health with Honors and graduated with a Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies from Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA, in May of 2022; currently, RaSheed is working on a Master of Business Administration in Finance and Investment at Regent University. RaSheed is interested in further studying the Old Testament, Ancient Near East History, Ancient Biblical Languages, and First & Second Temple Jewish History. RaSheed desires to continue to author books and give lectures to help reconnect sound scholarly biblical context back with the modern-day biblical teaching of the Gospel; books RaSheed is working on and plan to publish at a future time are Dominion, State of the Kingdom, The Power and Place of Unity, The Five-Fold MENistry, Binding the Strongman: The Spirit of Poverty, and P.U.R.P.O.S.E.  

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